Rocket Popper

What you’ll need:

  • Gum wrapper or sugar packet

How to make a Rocket Popper:

If using a gum wrapper, open it up and flatten. Wrap it around your thumb with the paper on the inside, foil on the outside, so it makes a tube with a little overlap.

If using a sugar packet, tear the very top of the packet off and empty out the sugar. Tear the packet open along the seam and open it flat. Wrap the sugar packet around your thumb.

  • Now, twist the top of the gum wrapper or sugar packet.
  • This is your rocket. Set it aside.

Now for the launcher.

  • Take your left hand and hold it close to your body, cupped upright like a shallow cup.
  • Take your right hand and make an “O” with all your fingers.
  • Looking through the thumb side of the “O”, set it down into the shallow cup of your left hand. This is your launcher.
  • Practice clapping your hands together from this position until you get  a low sound and can feel air coming out of the opening. You can wet your lips to feel the air come out of the hole when you pop your launcher. It needs to be airtight except for the hole to get a good launch.
  • When you feel ready, put the rocket loosely in the hole and POP IT!
  • Have a contest for altitude and distance.

Caution: Pointy Rocket