Growing Snake

What you’ll need:

  • Straw
  • Glass of water
  • One plate

How to grow a snake:

  • Hold the straw upright on the table.
  • Take the straw paper and push it down to the bottom of the straw.
  • Crunch it down really really tightly like an accordian.
  • Pull the straw out of the crunched paper.
  • Take the straw and stick it into the water about two inches and cover the top with your finger.
  • Pull the straw out of the water and hold it over the glass.
  • Take your finger off the top of the straw.
  • The water will release back into the glass form the straw.  The straw holds onto the water until you let it go.  Practice this a few times.
  • Take the water and release it onto your crunched up snake and watch it grow.